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Our Karoo Blog

Smaakmaker van die Jaar - 2024

Posted 8/3/2025

"Dit beteken vir ons baie, want ons was altyd bang vir sosiale media en nou is dit deel van ons daaglikse roetine"

Wenners vir die Netwerk Smaakmakers 2024 KompetisieWenners vir die Netwerk Smaakmakers 2024 Kompetisie

En daar wen ons toe die Netwerk24 in samewerking met Landbouweekblad se Smaakmaker van die Jaar kompetisie vir die landbou afdeling. 

’n Smaakmaker is die Afrikaanse woord wat Netwerk24 se lesers vir die Engelse woord “influencer” uitgedink het.

Die doel van die kompetisie was om erkenning te gee aan inhoudskeppers wat kies om in Afrikaans te werk en volgens Wicus Pretorius, voorsitter van Afrikaanse Sinergie by Media24, moet hulle daarvoor erkenning kry en beloon word.

Wie het nou gedink dat ons TikToks soveel impak sou hê. Ons hoop ons storie spoor julle aan om groot hoogtes te bereik deur net te begin doen waarvoor jy bang is. 


Hier is die artikels vir jou om verder te lees:

Smaakmaker van die Jaar Wenners 2024 - LandbouSmaakmaker van die Jaar Wenners 2024 - Landbou

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Karoo Living: What I've learned as a farmer's wife

Posted 30/3/2023

As a farmer's wife living in the Karoo area just outside Prince Albert, I have experienced a world of difference compared to our previous home in the Boland. Moving to this dry area has taught me so much about the resilience of people and the land.

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Farming in the Karoo

Posted 23/3/2023

The Karoo is a vast, arid region in South Africa, known for its rugged beauty and unforgiving landscape. Despite the challenges, it has been home to farmers for generations, who have adapted to the harsh conditions and made a living from the land.

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Karoo: A Life of Serenity and Adventure at Grootwaterval

Posted 23/3/2023

Living in the Karoo is a unique experience, especially for those who choose to reside on a farm outside Prince Albert. Grootwaterval, one such farm, offers travelers an idyllic lifestyle that is hard to find elsewhere.

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